Monday, January 4, 2010

plyx, jia you!

exam is approaching.. only left 10 days now.. my mind is not ready for it yet.. i don't have the mood to study.. i know i don't have strong determination.. but i'm trying my best.. i really hope this semester can help to pull up my cgpa in order to qualify for the scholarship for advanced diploma.. i know i'm counting all on this coming exam for the scholarship yet i don't have the heart and motivation to do it.. i don't know why.. i felt that i'm slacking from one sem to another.. haihzz.. i'm dead! my mind is full with all sorts of nonsense.. so i'm telling myself not to think anything else other than this coming exam.. i know a strong consciousness is needed in doing this.. i will try all i can to have my mind and heart set ready for exam to strike for my goal.. god bless! not going to update till i finish my exam.. wish me luck =)

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